The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

Grace Assembly 09 3

After a sumptuous evening meal we assembled again for out third session. On both evenings we are set to hear Martin Grubb who is now in his fifth year of church planting in Charlesworth in Derbyshire near Glossop (based on an old Gadsby chapel). He sought to give us seven encouragements in evangelism that are not dependent on our skill or on our success. Slightly abrasive in style but very warm he gave us seven encouragements. They were:
1. The message of the gospel.
The message of the kingdom is a great message as seen in the pictures used in Scripture and the message itself. What a message we have!
2. The example of the first evangelists.
Jesus himself. He was a great preacher who everyone wanted to hear. Peter and Paul and others preached in similar ways. We belong to the same family. He used the illustration of wearing the rugby shirt of a successful side. The heroic age of evangelism should inspire us. We are in that line.
3. The need of the crowd is as great as ever.
Christ had compassion on the people as being like sheep without a shepherd. Who cares for people today? Politicians? Some of his anecdotes were very humorous.
4. The urgency of Christ.
This is seen in Matthew 10 the passage we read. The horizon grows and the urgency continues. Urgency or lack of it is contagious. He again gave a wonderful illustration of lack of urgency. He also spoke of the needs of the gospel here and beyond.
5. The prospect of harvest.
It is here in Matthew 10 and in many other places. Sowing, watering, etc, is all fine but we want a harvest. He gave examples of people beginning to come to Christ who he wants to see saved. Surely there ought to be something happening every year. We ought to be more eager.
6. The great danger of hell.
Jesus speaks openly of it. This is the thing to fear not something else. Do I really believe in heaven and hell? Do we really believe he is the Saviour of sinners?
7. The promised rewards.
Even giving a cup of cold water will be rewarded.
This was a really encouraging message.

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