The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

UK Crossings 03 Puffin

(Mostly cribbed from Wikipedia)
A puffin crossing (pedestrian user-friendly intelligent) is a type of pedestrian crossing used in the UK. it is basically a refined version of the pelican.
It differs from a pelican crossing (see previous article) in that the lights controlling the pedestrians are on the near side of the road, rather than on the opposite side. The system also utilises sensors which detect the presence of pedestrians waiting at the crossing, and as they are crossing the road.
The crossing control lights, which inform the pedestrian when they may cross, are positioned at the road side, set diagonally to the road edge. The stated reason for this design was to allow the pedestrian to monitor passing traffic while waiting for the signal to cross. However the act of monitoring passing traffic often means the crossing control lights are out of the pedestrian's field of vision. The crossing control lights of the older Pelican and Toucan (see later) designs are mounted across the road from the pedestrian attempting to cross, resulting in them staying within the pedestrian's field of view for a greater proportion of the time. A second stated reason for the design was that having the lights closer to the user would assist visually people who could have difficulty viewing the signal from across the carriageway. The Pelican and Toucan designs also feature visual cues close to the pedestrian informing when the pedestrian may cross, in the form of the display mounted above the button pressed to activate the crossing. This claimed advantage is thus much less than it would initially appear.
In addition to the positioning of the crossing control lights, some push-button units are also fitted with a tactile knob under the unit which rotates when the user may cross. This feature is also added to pelican crossings.
After requesting to cross (by pressing a button) a kerb-side detector monitors the pedestrian's continued presence at the crossing. Should the pedestrian decide to cross prematurely, walk away from the crossing, or wait outside the detection area, the pedestrian's request to cross could be automatically cancelled so traffic is not halted unnecessarily.
An on-crossing detector ensures that the signal for vehicles remains red until the pedestrians have finished crossing (within practical limits).

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