The similar phrase 'Worldly Christianity' is one used by Bonhoeffer. It's J Gresham Machen that I want to line up most closely with. See his Christianity and culture here. Having done commentaries on Proverbs (Heavenly Wisdom) and Song of Songs (Heavenly Love), a matching title for Ecclesiastes would be Heavenly Worldliness. For my stance on worldliness, see 3 posts here.

7.2 Wisdom exemplified

We have said that we need wisdom because we are ignorant and because of conflicting opinions. Further, we need wisdom ...

3. Because of the existence of evil in the world
Of course, what exacerbates this problem is the evil in the world. We might be tempted to think that if the one woman had not rolled onto her baby this problem would not have arisen. Or go back further. If these two women had not become prostitutes they never would have ended up living in the same house as they were living without husbands. If no man had been willing to sleep with them as prostitutes, the problem may never have arisen. It is the existence of sin in the world that so complicates things and makes for multiple dilemmas. Proverbs 10:23 ‘A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct, but a man of understanding delights in wisdom.’
4. Because of deceivers in this world
Of course, the dilemma is ultimately due to one woman’s refusal to tell the truth. If she had simply accepted her own bad mistake, as tragic as it was and as hard to take as it must have been, then this dilemma would never have arisen. One of the earliest lessons we need to learn if we are ever going to be wise is that not everyone tells the truth. I know it sounds obvious to say – a truism indeed – but you would be surprised how often it is forgotten. Just because a man says the Bible is not true or that God does not exist, do not be taken in by him. He may well not be telling you the truth! He may protest very loudly and use seemingly profound arguments but in fact he is lying. Proverbs 18:17 ‘The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him.’
5. Because of the need to make decisions
Clearly a decision had to be made here. That is what brings wisdom into sharp relief. That is why wisdom has to be an everyday thing. Every day we are making thousands of decisions. What time shall I get up? What shall I do first? Shall I agree to do this? Shall I say no? Shall I trust this person or not? Shall I believe this or believe that? In every decision large or small we all need wisdom.
6. Because of the need for order and justice in this world
You may have been tempted to say that it was their problem and that they should sort it out themselves as best they could. But imagine what would happen if that became widespread. It would lead to anarchy. No longer would right be the important thing but might. There would be no one to defend the weak. No, it was vital that the true mother be discovered and for her to have her own baby.
Such things do matter. Without order and justice in this world, life becomes intolerable. We should pray for those in charge of justice in our own countries and beyond. Pray that they will be people of integrity and wisdom. Pray for them in the tough decisions they have to make, sometimes on an almost daily basis. Otherwise, what suffering lies ahead. In some places things are bad enough already in many respects. If all law and order breaks down, how much worse. This dishonest woman was pretty bad but at least she saw that in the face of justice she could not win. What a relief to the honest mother when she saw justice prevail!

What do we learn about the nature of wisdom here?
Already we are beginning to see something of the nature of wisdom. Let us spell it out a little more.
1. It is aware that simply gathering the facts is not always possible
Solomon does not go looking for witnesses. He does not try to tease out more facts. That is the instinct of most and often it will help. However, here it is useless. The one woman is determined to tell lies, the other did not actually see what happened and is only putting two and two together.
There are many things about which we cannot gather facts in the conventional sense. For example, the beginning of the world, God’s existence, the soul of man. Such questions are not susceptible to scientific enquiry in the normal way. It is part of wisdom to recognise that.
2. It is aware that simply listening to all opinions is not always effective
We have already made this point but we want to underline it because it is a common view that really needs to be scotched. It is a profound mistake to suppose that once you have asked everyone’s opinion then you are in a position to come to a wise decision. There are many problems with that popular but erroneous view. Firstly, how do you know you have everyone’s opinion? Then, how do you know if they are all telling the truth? Further, how do you know that one of these opinions is right and that they are not all wrong?
3. It is aware that focusing on the real issue is vital
One interesting thing here is that Solomon takes no time to rebuke the women for engaging in prostitution. He resists the temptation to say ‘If you were not prostitutes this would never have happened’. He does not go into how the other baby died either. I would guess that the wicked woman was drunk – I may be wrong. Perhaps they were both drunk and that is how it was so easy to exchange babies. These are guesses and in the end they are irrelevant.
The one crucial issue was whose baby is it? If we are to be wise we need to focus on the real issue in that way. It is the big issues that need to get our attention – God’s existence, the truth of the Bible, that Jesus is the one and only Saviour, that he died on the cross in the place of sinners, that faith in him can save you from hell and bring you to heaven. Focus there.

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